What we do at Action
Action’s ethos is to work holistically with each individual customer. We consider their strengths and aspirations, involve them in decisions and ensure that they lead in the development of their support plans. We always aim to work in partnership with other agencies, seeking to minimise the disruption and intrusiveness of repeated interventions and information gathering, whilst ensuring customer safety. Designed to recognise the emotional journeys and enormous achievements that customers make in overcoming significant disadvantage, our motto is ‘Enabling our customers to achieve extraordinary things’.
Supported accommodation
reducing homelessness
- Providing safe and secure accommodation
- Providing person centred housing-related support and advice, ensuring customers are ready to take on their own tenancy;
- Working closely with the Local Authority, social/private landlords and our own housing team to plan and co-ordinate a successful move into an independent tenancy;
- Working holistically to address, in partnership with other agencies, the underlying needs and issues affecting individuals to reduce the risk of social exclusion, including mental health, substance misuse, offending, domestic abuse, immigration status, debt and money management, physical health and trauma/abuse.

Reduced use of inappropriate temporary accommodation:
- Focussing on planning for move on at an early stage;
- Developing our own local general needs stock to provide alternative housing options.
Better access to health care:
- Registering with local health providers and attending initial appointments to encourage attendance;
- Acting as an advocate, supporting customers to understand complex/distressing health information;
- Sharing relevant information (subject to consent/policy).
- Delivering pre-emptive support with accessing primary and specialist health services;
- Established relationships with and Mental Health Services (Early Intervention, Assertive Outreach, CMHT and Crisis Teams)
- Use of the local safeguarding procedures to co-ordinate multi-agency activity;
- Provision of 24/7 cover ensuring rapid response to emerging situations.

Reduced offending behaviour:
- Holding multi-agency meetings to identify and deliver interventions;
- Challenging inappropriate and risky behaviour swiftly and consistently and maintaining appropriate boundaries for the safety of all living in the service;
- Building positive relationships with police, both local and specialist units.